Here are a few cost saving design & Renovation tips for your projects.
1. Get a designer: A professional designer will save you money, keeping your costs on track and within your budget from day one. A designer will also know how to source the right local services for you, helping you win the cost war before you start.
2. Site management: Evaluate your space for both design and value-adding purposes. By thoroughly considering your space, you can create the ideal design and avoid costly errors.
3. Layout: The next step is to choose a layout. This plan is a foundation for your design. A designer will give you a basic layout to work with and help you to visualise your design choices.
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4. Start costing with your basic design materials: What materials do you want to use and where? Different materials mean different costs, so choose your materials with this in mind. Focus on energy efficiency to future-proof your design and control your living costs.
5. Cabinets and amenities: Choose a custom design and installation from the very beginning. This will avoid possible issues from the outset and ensure better design values.
6. Installation costs : Nail down your installation costs with help from your designer.
7. You can afford the best : With advice from a professional designer, you will be able to balance the best layout and materials. In the end, the best designs will also pay for themselves in the added value they provide.
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Need Help with a Design or Renovation in Lagos Nigeria?
IMarcpro Consult offers a complete range of building design services ranging from design, renovation and construction works. If you’d like some expert help with a residential or commercial project, call or whatsapp us. We’ll be happy to assist you.
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