Nestled amidst the verdant expanses of Benin City, this project unfolds over a generous swath of land, embraced by the natural tapestry of lush vegetation and serene landscapes.
Spanning two floors, the development proudly houses 24 studio apartment units, each thoughtfully designed to offer a harmonious blend of living spaces. The apartments boast a cozy seating area, a tranquil sleeping quarter, a compact dining spot, a functional kitchenette, and well-appointed bathrooms, crafting a sanctuary of comfort and convenience for its residents.
Luxury Guest Units Benin City, Edo state
The landscaping of the project is a testament to meticulous planning, featuring an inviting central courtyard and a serene garden sit-out. These outdoor spaces offer residents a peaceful retreat to relax and reconnect with nature.
Enhancing the architectural elegance of the building, extensive glazing not only ensures privacy but also infuses the spaces with natural light, creating a bright and airy ambiance. This design choice further accentuates the modern aesthetic of the development.
Overseen by the skilled architects and project managers at IMarcpro Consult Ltd, this project was brought to completion in 2023, marking a significant addition to the architectural landscape of Benin City.
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